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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Poor Gazza

As you can see from our previous posts we have this beautifull Blue dog called Gazza, he is the sort of friend that every dog owner would want he does not have a mean bone in his body.
last week a couple of dogs broke through our back fence and savaged him so badly that he spent a week in the vet's hospital, it was a sad time.
Unfortunately on Tuesday this week we were told that because of the severe damage to the tendons and blood vessels in his right rear leg it would have to be taken, so now poor Gazza has only three legs and we feel so sorry for him.
Any of our friends who know him will understand how we feel as he was such an active dog, there have been so many friends of Gazza's dropping in or phoning that Jacki and I have been onverwhelmed "Thank's"